الخميس، 1 نوفمبر 2012

Build a Better World: Sign the Amherst Declaration on Global Citizenship

Petitioning Build a Better World

Build a Better World: Sign the Amherst Declaration on Global Citizenship

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Drafted on behalf of people from all countries who view themselves as global citizens and to be delivered to the leaders of the G-20 nations, the Secretary General of the United Nations and other world leaders.

Understanding that a global dimension is now integral to our lives and connects us in many different ways, for example: through the Internet, the ways in which we are impacted by the global economy, our environmental inter-dependence, our desire to provide humanitarian assistance to people in other countries, and even our shared love of world art, music, food, and travel. The drafters of this Declaration acknowledge that global citizenship is a palpable part of our identity. *
Understanding that as global citizens we also are citizens of our own countries and need to advocate for national policies and practices that support global solutions to world problems.
Understanding that we can no longer rely solely upon nation-states to solve the growing number of issues that affect our planet as a whole; that global citizens must work together within and between countries and with other institutions to address world problems.
Understanding that citizens around the world need to be more fully engaged in global governance institutions, such as the United Nations and other international agencies, multi-national corporations, global professional bodies, international NGOs and others. Greater citizen participation in these institutions will make global governance policies and programs more responsive to the needs of the people they are intended to serve.
Understanding that citizens of different nations want to live and work freely across the planet in pursuit of education, livelihoods, social and professional relationships; and that such global citizenship practices should be considered as basic human rights.
Understanding the need for greater collaboration between nations in resolving major international environmental issues, such as climate change, desertification and drought, man made and natural disasters, the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, the threat of extinction of endangered species and the mistreatment of other animals.
Understanding the great disparities that exist in the distribution of wealth and resources within and between countries and that ending poverty across the world is a shared responsibility.
Understanding the need for greater global coordination and capacity in resolving conflicts between states, promoting peace, and providing humanitarian assistance.

# 1 That citizens from all nations should join together and work within and across their countries to construct a sustainable world community based on common values that have been agreed upon by world leaders for more than seventy-five years: human rights, environmental protection, religious pluralism, gender equity, sustainable economic growth for all, poverty reduction, prevention and cessation of conflicts between countries, elimination of weapons of mass destruction, humanitarian assistance, and the celebration of cultural diversity. We believe that great benefit can come when citizens around the world work together to support the inclusion of these values at the local, national and international level.
# 2 That governments, international organizations, national and multi-national corporations, and others need to be held accountable by global citizens to implement policies and programs that support the global values listed above; and that an integrated human rights, human development, economic development and environmental index be constructed that reflects the capacity of countries to live in accordance with the values of the world community.
# 3 That the existing framework for world governance needs to be strengthened in ways that respect national sovereignty but that vest greater authority and responsibility for addressing world issues in the hands of global governance institutions; such global governance institutions should be operated in a participatory manner, with full transparency, and be held accountable to those around the world whom they serve.
# 4 That a more representative United Nations system needs to be organized that recognizes the voice of global citizens and that decision-making by UN organizations needs to be based upon world values rather than the specialized interests of countries.
# 5 That global financial institutions also need to recognize the voice of global citizens and ensure equitable, just and sustainable financial relationships among sovereign states, multi-national corporations and other stakeholder organizations.
# 6 That international peace-making mechanisms need to be strengthened and supported to enable more effective use of preventive diplomacy and multi-national force to help mitigate conflicts and avoid violence between states.
# 7 That physical borders and electronic communication networks need to be kept as open as possible to permit the free flow of people and transparent information around the world.
# 8 That educational institutions at all levels need to undertake large-scale programs to raise awareness of the principles and practices of global citizenship, and build a new generation of global citizen leaders.
The originators of this Declaration invite citizens and organizations around the world to become co-signatories of this document, to use it as a guide for their own efforts, and to work together to achieve its goals. If your organization would like to be listed as a co-sponsor of the Amherst Declaration, please contact us at: declaration@gcitizen.org 

* The drafters were composed of citizens of countries in the African, Asian, European, Pacific, Latin and North American regions who gathered in Amherst in July 2012, under the auspices of The Global Citizens’ Initiative (TGCI) to consider ways of furthering essential global values, such as human rights.
This Declaration is being sponsored by The Global Citizens' Initiative (TGCI)--a non-profit international organization. TGCI provides information, education and training to those interested in global citizenship and building world community. Membership in TGCI is free; simply log onto www.theglobalcitizensinitiative.org and fill out a short registration form.
Co-Sponsoring Organizations:
Earth Action ~ www.earthaction.org ~ EarthAction's mission is to inform and inspire people everywhere to turn their concern, passion, and outrage into meaningful action for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world.

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