الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

حملة افاز لمناصرة اطفال سوريا انسانيا

 2012 Avaaz.org, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

52,971 have signed. Help us get to 500,000
Posted: 28 May 2012
The pictures from Al Houla, Syria, last Friday are almost too brutal to look at. I have a 5 year old daughter and I know it's only luck of birth that separates her from this horror. But my shock led me to write this today as I know there is something we can all do together to stop this.

Dozens of children lie covered with blood, their faces show the fear they felt before death, and their innocent lifeless bodies reveal an unspeakable massacre. These children were slaughtered by men under strict orders to sow terror. Yet all the diplomats have come up with so far is a few UN monitors 'observing' the violence. Now, governments across the world are expelling Syrian ambassadors, but unless we demand strong action on the ground, they will settle for these diplomatic half-measures.

The UN is discussing what to do right now. If there were a large international presence across Syria with a mandate to protect civilians, we could prevent the massacres while leaders engage in political efforts to resolve the conflict. I cannot see more images like these without shouting from the rooftops. But to stop the violence, it is going to take all of us, with one voice, demanding protection for these kids and their families. Sign the urgent petition on the right to call for UN action now and share this campaign with everyone.

Alice Jay, Campaign Director

To the UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

As citizens of every country of the world, we call upon you to immediately commit to sending at least 3,000 international monitors to Syria with a mandate to protect civilians, and to move fast to define a political transition plan. In the wake of the vile massacre of dozens of children in Al Houla, only such a presence can prevent the killing of innocent children and families, and only an urgent plan with a clear road map can put an end to the Syrian conflict. We have a responsibility to protect the Syrian people and the world can no longer look away.
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    Nicola Urquhart, South Africa
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